European conference seminar (in cooperation with ENQA)

“Impact Analysis of External Quality Assurance in Higher Education Institutions: Methodology and Its Relevance for Higher Education Policy”, 19–20 May 2014, Mannheim, Germany.

The conference aimed at presenting and disseminating the results of the IMPALA first project phase (methodology of impact evaluation of external quality assurance in higher education institutions) to a wider interested audience. It also intended to gather input from participants’s critical reflection of the seminar theme, in particular European quality assurance agencies and other higher education institution stakeholders.

Furthermore, the conference embedded the theme of impact evaluation into current debates and perspectives on higher education institution governance (and funding) and higher education policy.

Seminar program [PDF]

Seminar presentations

  1. Prof. Dr. Bjørn Stensaker (Department of Education, University of Oslo, Norway): “Impact Evaluation of External Quality Assurance: Different Perspectives and Prospects for the Future” [PDF]
  2. Prof. Dr. Dr. Theodor Leiber (evalag, Mannheim, Germany): “Evaluation of the Success or Failure of External Quality Assurance in HEIs: Theory and Practice” [PDF]
  3. Prof. Dr. Maarja Beerkens (Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, The Hague, The Netherlands): “Different Stakeholders and Conflicting Views in External Quality Assurance in HE: Quality Assurance in the Political Context” [PDF]
  4. Emeritus Prof. Dr. Lee Colin Harvey (Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark): “A Brief Review of Research on the Impact of Quality Assurance” [PDF]
  5. Prof. Dr. Dr. Theodor Leiber (evalag, Mannheim, Germany): “Wrap Up and Perspectives” [PDF]

Related publications can be found under 'Publications'.

The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 539481-LLP-1-2013-1-DE-ERASMUS-EIGF. Neither the European Commission nor the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.