Public presentations
Prades, A., Segura, S., Marzo, N., 2013, Yes, there is Impact. But is it Positive, Negative or “None of the Above”? The Case of Faculty of Sciences and Faculty of Biosciences of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Presentation, 8th European Quality Assurance Forum “Working Together to Take Quality Forward”, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 21–23 November 2013 [PDF]
Leiber, T., 2014, Impact Evaluation of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Theory, Methodology and Design, Presentation, 9th EAPRIL Conference 2014, Nicosia (Cyprus), 25–28 November 2014 [PDF]
Scheuthle, H. & Leiber, T., 2015, Impact Analysis of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology, Design and Results, Presentation, 2015 INQAAHE Biennual Conference “Changing Landscape of Higher Education: New Demands on Quality Assurance”, Chicago (USA), 30 March–3 April 2015 [PDF]
Leiber, T., 2015, Impact Analysis of Quality Assurance in Higher Education. Methodology, Design and Preliminary Results, Presentation, 2015 CEENQA Workshop and General Assembly “Impact of Quality Assurance and Accreditation”, SQAA (NAKVIS), City Hotel, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 22–23 May 2015 [PDF]
Leiber, T., 2015, Wirkungsevaluation von Qualitätsmanagement im Hochschulbereich. Ein Beitrag zur nachhaltigen Qualitätsentwicklung in der Wissens- und Lerngesellschaft, Presentation, 18th Annual Meeting of the DeGEval – Society of Evaluation „Evaluation und Wissensgesellschaft”, Deutsches Forschungsinstitut für öffentliche Verwaltung Speyer, 16–18 September 2015 [PDF]
Leiber, T. & Todorovski, B., 2016, Impact Analysis of Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Theory, Practice and Policy Perspectives in Discussion, Presentation, 11th European Quality Assurance Forum, Ljubljana, Slowenia, 17–19 November 2016 [PDF]
Jurvelin, J., Leiber, T. & Malinen, H., 2017, Breakout session 4.A ‘practice’: Impact analysis of external quality assurance processes of higher education institutions: the experience of the IMPALA project, Presentation/Workshop, EURASHE, Seminar on QA, Brussels, 06–07 February 2017 [PDF]
Leiber, T., 2018, Reflections on Impact Evaluation of Interventions in Social Organisations: A Strategic SWOT Analysis. Presentation, 21st Annual Meeting of the DeGEval – Society for Evaluation e. V., „Wirkungsorientierung und Evaluation”, Technical University of Dresden, Germany, 12–14 September 2018 [PDF]
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