LTSHE Public Presentations
- Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S. & Rosa, M.J. (2021). Guidelines and design principles for Teaching and Learning spaces in higher education. The case of the University of Aveiro in the context of the European LTSHE project. [in Portuguese]. Presentation at XI Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade 2021, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 17 September 2021 [PDF]
- Leiber, T., Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S. & Rosa, M.J. (2021). Principles of design and implementation of learning and teaching spaces: lessons learnt from German and Portuguese higher education. Presentation at ICERI2021 – 14th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, online event, Seville, Spain, 8–10 November 2021 [PDF]
- Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S. & Rosa, M. (2022). Reflecting on next generation learning and teaching spaces – The voice of the academic community. Presentation at EDULEARN22 – 14th International Conference on Education, and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, 4–6 July 2022 [PDF]
- Rosa, M.J., Carlos, V. & Bruckmann, S. (2022). Mapping flexible learning spaces: a typology for a Portuguese university.Presentation at EAIR 44th Annual Forum “Accelerating the Future of Higher Education”, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Valetta, Malta, 4–7 September 2022 [PDF]
- Leiber, T., Rosa, M.J. & Williams, J. (2022). Politics and practice of the design, implementation and use of L&T spaces in higher education. A comparison of case studies from Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom.Presentation at the Regional Conference “Learning and Teaching Space in Education”, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo, 21 October 2022 [PDF]
- Leiber, T. (2022). Principles of design, implementation and use of L&T space(s) in higher education. Intermediate results from the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership LTSHE.Presentation at the Symposium “Learning and Teaching Space in Higher Education in the Western Balkans”, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo, 21 October 2022 [PDF]
- Williams, J. (2022). Understanding how the university environment affects us: shared experiences from across Europe. Address to “The Changing Landscape of the Higher Education Campus and Estate”, Institute of Government and Public Policy, 3rd November 2022 (online conference). See… · [PDF]
- Leiber, T. (2023). Principles of the design and implementation of L&T spaces in higher education. Lessons learnt from the LTSHE project based on case studies from seven European countries. INTED 2023: 17th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 6–8 March 2023 (hybrid conference) (Extended Abstract accepted)
Further information will follow in due time.
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- Policy and Practice of L&T Spaces
- Experience Case Studies of L&T Spaces
- Reports of Site Visits of L&T Spaces
- Principles of Design of L&T Spaces
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The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-UK01-KA203-061968. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.