LTSHE Public Presentations

  • Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S. & Rosa, M.J. (2021). Guidelines and design principles for Teaching and Learning spaces in higher education. The case of the University of Aveiro in the context of the European LTSHE project. [in Portuguese]. Presentation at XI Encontro de Investigadores da Qualidade 2021, University of Aveiro, Portugal, 17 September 2021 [PDF]
  • Leiber, T., Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S. & Rosa, M.J. (2021). Principles of design and implementation of learning and teaching spaces: lessons learnt from German and Portuguese higher education. Presentation at ICERI2021 – 14th Annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, online event, Seville, Spain, 8–10 November 2021 [PDF
  • Carlos, V., Bruckmann, S. & Rosa, M. (2022). Reflecting on next generation learning and teaching spaces – The voice of the academic community. Presentation at EDULEARN22 – 14th International Conference on Education, and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain, 4–6 July 2022 [PDF
  • Rosa, M.J., Carlos, V. & Bruckmann, S. (2022). Mapping flexible learning spaces: a typology for a Portuguese university.Presentation at EAIR 44th Annual Forum “Accelerating the Future of Higher Education”, Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST), Valetta, Malta, 4–7 September 2022 [PDF
  • Leiber, T., Rosa, M.J. & Williams, J. (2022). Politics and practice of the design, implementation and use of L&T spaces in higher education. A comparison of case studies from Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom.Presentation at the Regional Conference “Learning and Teaching Space in Education”, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo, 21 October 2022 [PDF
  • Leiber, T. (2022). Principles of design, implementation and use of L&T space(s) in higher education. Intermediate results from the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership LTSHE.Presentation at the Symposium “Learning and Teaching Space in Higher Education in the Western Balkans”, AAB College, Pristina, Kosovo, 21 October 2022 [PDF
  • Williams, J. (2022). Understanding how the university environment affects us: shared experiences from across Europe. Address to “The Changing Landscape of the Higher Education Campus and Estate”, Institute of Government and Public Policy, 3rd November 2022 (online conference). See… · [PDF
  • Leiber, T. (2023). Principles of the design and implementation of L&T spaces in higher education. Lessons learnt from the LTSHE project based on case studies from seven European countries. INTED 2023: 17th Annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, 6–8 March 2023 (hybrid conference) (Extended Abstract accepted)

Further information will follow in due time.

The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-UK01-KA203-061968. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.