LTSHE Intellectual Output 3
- Report of the Site Visit at Birmingham City University [PDF]
- Report of the Site Visit at University of Aveiro [PDF]
- Report of the Site Visit at AAB College Pristina [PDF]
- Report of the Site Visit at Vienna University of Economics and Business [PDF]
Further information will follow in due time.

- The project
- Partners
- Policy and Practice of L&T Spaces
- Experience Case Studies of L&T Spaces
- Reports of Site Visits of L&T Spaces
- Principles of Design of L&T Spaces
- Public events
- Publications
- Public presentations
- Newsletter contributions
- Social networks
- Contact
The creation of these resources has been (partially) funded by the ERASMUS+ grant program of the European Union under grant no. 2019-1-UK01-KA203-061968. Neither the European Commission nor the project's national funding agency are responsible for the content or liable for any losses or damage resulting of the use of these resources.