International Evaluation Workshop (IEW)

“Performance Indicators of Higher Education Learning and Teaching in Context: Governance, Quality Management, Learning Theories and Policy“, 1–2 July 2019, Danube University Krems, Austria.

The SQELT International Evaluation Workshop (IEW) aimed at presenting and disseminating results of the first project phase to a wider audience. It also intended to self-evaluate the project and gather input from participants‘ critical reflection, in particular HEI representatives and members (e.g. leadership, quality management, teaching staff, students) and other HEI stakeholders (e.g. QA agencies, HE policy analysts, HE researchers).

Furthermore, the IEW attempted to embed the theme of performance data management and performance indicators into current debates and perspectives on HEI governance (and funding) and HE policy.

IEW programme [PDF]

IEW presentations

  • PD Dr. David F. J. Campbell (Department for Further Education Research and Education Management, Danube University Krems, Austria): “International Evaluation Workshop: Day One, Welcome” [PDF]
  • Prof. Dr. Cláudia Sarrico (Centre for Research in Higher Education Policies – CIPES, Aveiro & Porto, Portugal & OECD, Paris, France): Quality Management, Performance Measurement and Indicators in Higher Education Institutions: Between Burden, Inspiration and Innovation“ [PDF]
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Theodor Leiber (Evaluation Agency Baden-Wuerttemberg, Mannheim, Germany): Justifying and Contextualising Performance Indicators of Learning and Teaching: The Role of Theories of Learning and Teaching“ [PDF]
  • Workshop A “Learning Analytics, Ethics and Policy in Performance Data Management“ (SQELT Partners Leading: University of Aveiro, Portugal; Birmingham City University, United Kingdom; Ghent University, Belgium) [PDF]
  • Workshop B “Institutional Strategy and Performance Indicators in Performance Data Management“ (SQELT Partners Leading: Danube University Krems, Austria; Jagiellonian University Kraków; University of Milan, Italy) [PDF]
  • PD Dr. David F. J. Campbell (Department for Further Education Research and Education Management, Danube University Krems, Austria): “International Evaluation Workshop: Day Two, Opening Remarks” [PDF]
  • Prof. Dr. Maarja Beerkens (Institute of Public Administration, Leiden University, The Hague, The Netherlands): Evidence-based steering: From Performance Indicators to ‘Big Data’“ [PDF]
  • Prof. Dr. Dr. Theodor Leiber (Evaluation Agency Baden-Wuerttemberg, Mannheim, Germany): Performance Data Governance and Management of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: What we have learned, what we should do and what we should refrain from“ [PDF]

Dieses Projekt wurde mit Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission finanziert. Die Verantwortung für den Inhalt dieser Veröffentlichung trägt allein der Verfasser; weder die EU-Kommission noch die NA DAAD, haftet für die weitere Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Angaben.